mother liquor การใช้
- This solution of crystals and mother liquor ( molasses ) is called massecuite.
- A batch type sugar centrifuge separates the sugar crystals from the mother liquor.
- After a period of time the mother liquor is drained and the crystals removed.
- Second and third crops of crystals can then be harvested from the mother liquor.
- As in a sugar mill, the sugar crystals are separated from the mother liquor by centrifuging.
- Wash liquid is introduced on the cake in order to displace the mother liquor along with the impurities.
- In the past, crystals were loaded into glass capillaries with the crystallization solution ( the mother liquor ).
- Product with good particle size is produced and can be easily separated from background salt and other impurities in the mother liquor.
- Crystals that form are then filtered and washed with a solvent in which they are not soluble, but is miscible with the mother liquor.
- The mother liquor from the first crystallization step ( A-product ) is again crystallized in vacuum pans and then passed through continuous sugar centrifuges.
- In 1934, John Desmond Bernal and his student Dorothy Hodgkin discovered that protein crystals surrounded by their mother liquor gave better diffraction patterns than dried crystals.
- The precipitated product is separated and the mother liquor containing CuCl 2 and NaCl, is recycled back to the process ( eq . 6 ~ 7 ).
- The salt is separated from the mother liquor by centrifugation, accompanied by washing of the granules, and is dried in a rotary furnace and sieved before packaging.
- PrCl 3 " 7H 2 O is a hygroscopic substance, that will not crystallise from the mother liquor unless it is left to dry in a dessiccator.
- This sugar ( " raw " ) is of lower quality with more colour and impurities, and is the main source of the sugar dissolved again into the mother liquor.
- Together, in 1934, they took the first X-ray photographs of hydrated protein crystals using the trick of bathing the crystals in their mother liquor, giving one of the first glimpses of the world of molecular structure that underlies living things.
- The remaining solution, once the crystals have been filtered out, is known as the mother liquor, and will contain a portion of the original solute ( as predicted by its solubility at that temperature ) as well as any impurities that were not filtered out.
- "' Natural brown sugar "', "'raw sugar "'or "'whole cane sugar "'are sugars that retain a small to large amount of the molasses from the mother liquor ( the partially evaporated sugar cane juice ).
- It involves " treatment of racemic methadone base with d-( + )-tartaric acid in an acetone / water mixture [ which ] precipitates almost solely the dextro-methadone levo-tartrate, and the more potent levo-methadone can easily be retrieved from the mother liquor in a high state of optical purity"
- According to W . A . Tarr ( 1938 ) the primary mineral deposits are the result of direct magmatic action; he states that the splitting of magmas results in the basic igneous rocks and their accompanying group of accessory minerals formed by the first crystallization in the magma, on the one hand, and in the acidic igneous rocks and a second group of accessory minerals which were formed by deposition from the residual mother liquors.